16/11/2023CBD Info

Black Friday CBD Special Sale

Are you ready to embark on a journey to peak your Vitality? Look no further! This Black Friday, Vitality Spectrum is thrilled to offer an exclusive 30% discount on our entire range of products. Elevate your well-being and embrace a healthier lifestyle with out High Quality Full Spectrum CBD Products. Why Vitality Spectrum? At Vitality Spectrum, we be …

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Vitality Spectrum CBD OIL
25/08/2023CBD Info

Why Are CBD Products Costly?

Why are some CBD Products Costly? CBD products can be expensive for several reasons. Firstly, the cultivation and extraction of CBD oil can be a costly process. CBD is primarily derived from the hemp plant, which requires specialized farming techniques and strict compliance with regulations. These factors contribute to the higher cost of production. …

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26/10/2022CBD Info


CBD Oil, known as Cannabinoids works WITH your body to help support your inner body needs. With the US Federal ban on CBD lifted, more and more clinical studies are being conducted every day on cannabinoids (CBD). The cannabinoids found in Vitality Spectrum’s CBD products are the SAME compounds that regulate mood and pain in the brain and body …

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