woman with pink lipstick
Lady with CBD Oil on face

What is CBD Oil?

CBD is a natural compound that is derived from the Cannabis Sativa family plants. Cannabidiol (CBD) is the part of the plant that does not cause any psychoactive effects or the high sensation.

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There has been some evidence that CBD Oil may be beneficial for your skin. Some research has shown taking CBD as well as placing it on your skin could benefit your skin as well as help with a variety of skin condition.


In a 2014 study researches explored the effects of CBD Oil on human sebocytes, the cells which are responsible for the waxy oil substance that the skin produces. Researches had this to say “Collectively, our data introduced the phytocannabinoid CBD as a potent “universal” anti-acne agent”.

In the full research report, it is also noted that in a 2016 review, it was found that using CBD Oil had the potential antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of the cannabis plant. In a 2019 study it was suggested that CBD may also be beneficial in treating acne scars.

Many of our customers use Vitality Spectrum – Broad Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture as an easy way to take their CBD. Some clients have used the oil dropper to infuse their own facial creams as well as place the CBD oil directly on their skin.

Dry Skin / Itchy Skin

CBD Oil – Is an oil. It looks and feels like oil. However unlike oils that you find on the market these days, our CDB oil is natural containing no preservatives, fillers or additives.

two people walking on a beach

In a 2019 study on the effects of CBD on the skin, it was noted that CBD may be useful for treating some common skin conditions, including dryness and itchy skin. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may be useful for reducing potential triggers of eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.

CBD oil maybe useful for people with sensitive skin as it can help to sooth the skin and reduce the appearance of irritation.

Ageing and Wrinkles

Vitamin E is known for it’s antioxidant properties. It’s added in many of the anti-ageing skin creams today. However, since CBD Oil has come to the market, many are adding Vitamin E, CDB oil, Aloe Vera, Honey, Coconut oil and other natural ingredients to their anti ageing daily lifestyles.

In a 2017 study, CBD was shown to reduce oxidative stress. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD may help prevent the appearance of ageing in the skin. It’s the oxidative stress which contributes toward the ageing process.


As you have read, people can add CDB oil directly to their skin, use it in creams and topical and of course consume it.

Research suggests that using CDB oil to treat a range of skin conditions has the potential to treat acne, psoriasis and dermatitis. It’s anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties suggest that adding CBD oil to your daily healthy lifestyle is a choice you should look to add.

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