CBD Oil, known as Cannabinoids works WITH your body to help support your inner body needs. With the US Federal ban on CBD lifted, more and more clinical studies are being conducted every day on cannabinoids (CBD). The cannabinoids found in Vitality Spectrum’s CBD products are the SAME compounds that regulate mood and pain in the brain and body.

Harvard Medical released an article on CBD and reported that the exact same compound is currently being studied for its use in caring for epilepsy however this study was presented to the FDA and it was found that the study was using extremely high amounts of CDB.  These amounts you will never consume as a consumer and we do not recommend that you do so. Also widely being observed for its effect on anxiety, insomnia, and being tested as an option for chronic pain.  Another study also indicated that CBD can be used topically, such as Vitality Spectrums Broad Spectrum CBD Muscle and Pain Cream. In just days, the cannabinoids in Vitality Spectrum’s products may benefit your entire endocannabinoid system (the network of receptors found throughout your body, including your brain, organs, glands).

Scientist Move Forward With Their Studies Into CBD

1. The National Cancer Institute Believes CBD May “reduce the spread of some cancer cells.”

2. The American Journal of Physiology says “CBD induces a substantial in vivo cardioprotective effect from ischemia” (coronary heart disease)

3. Journal of Translational Psychiatry calls CBD a “completely new mechanism in the treatment of schizophrenia.”


The endocannabinoid system (ECS) regulates everything from relaxation to eating, sleeping, inflammation and even cognitive function. Without going deep into details about this system (future post), the ECS is responsible for making sure the entire body is working optimally. Broad Spectrum CBD Oil like that offered by Vitality Spectrum has been shown to positively regulate your ECS, addressing issues such as anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, and inflammation. Here is what your endocannabinoid system is known to do:

Your Body: Stimulates an anti-inflammatory response which helps reduce all forms of chronic aches and pains. Regular use also helps support joint health, mobility, and flexibility.

Your Brain: Helps positively regulate mood patterns which help reduce anxiety and stress. It also promotes better sleep cycles and in some cases may offer a safe remedy for depression and bipolar disorders.

Age: It can’t do anything about your age however it may slow down your aging. Inflammation is a natural killer responsible for all sorts of disease such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and more. The ECS is a critical part of managing the parts of the body that when finely tuned can help you feel better.

1 comment

  1. 16/10/2020 at 1:30 am
    Ramsay Bolton


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